Oh no! Sign-up Error.
We’ve experienced a problem with your request.
Double check the information you have entered and give it another go.
M&M Hunting & Sporting Clays E-News
var icpForm3781 = document.getElementById('icpsignup3781');
if (document.location.protocol === "https:")
icpForm3781.action = "https://app.icontact.com/icp/signup.php";
function verifyRequired3781() { if (icpForm3781["fields_email"].value == "") { icpForm3781["fields_email"].focus(); alert("The Email field is required."); return false; }
if (icpForm3781["fields_email"].value && icpForm3781["fields_email"].value !== "") { icpForm3781["fields_email"].value = icpForm3781["fields_email"].value.trim(); }
if ( !icpForm3781["listid:26123"].checked && !icpForm3781["listid:26124"].checked && !icpForm3781["listid:26152"].checked && !icpForm3781["listid:388686"].checked && true) { alert("The Lists field is required."); return false; }
return true; }
function validDate3781(value) {
if (value == "") { return true; }
var dateSections = value.split('/'); if (dateSections.length != 3) { return false; }
var month = dateSections[0]; if (month && (month.length > 2 || month < 1 || month > 12)) { return false; }
var day = dateSections[1]; if (day && (day.length > 2 || day < 1 || day > 31)) { return false; }
var year = dateSections[2]; if (!year || (year && year.length != 4)) { return false; }
var dateValue = new Date(value); if (month != (dateValue.getMonth()+1) || day != dateValue.getDate() || year != dateValue.getFullYear()) { return false; }
return true; }